Watch & Download Terminator Salvation Online Free

John Connor (Bale) is joined in his attempt to defeat Skynet and its army of Terminators by Marcus Wright (Worthington), a man who apparently has been rescued from the past, though Connor wonders if instead he’s been sent from the future as a foil to his plan. As Connor and Wright push deep into the heart of Skynet, they get closer and closer to learning the secret behind the organization’s mission to wipe humankind off the planet.
Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Sequel
Running Time: 1 hrs. 48 min.
Release Date: May 22nd, 2009 (wide)
Distributors: MGM Distribution Company, Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

Posted on 8:29 AM by Parvez and filed under , , , , , | 0 Comments »

Game Development in Turbo C++ Source Code

A game program designed in TurboC++, where a user is provided
controls like (Left, Right ShiftKeys, Control Key) to operate, A
plane will be flying on the top of screen, and randomly drops
bombs. and the user has to escape from those bombs and shoot
the plane with the help of CTRL key. User is given 3 Lifes.
Please enjoy the game and it's code.

Complete sourcecode is available

Posted on 5:09 AM by Parvez and filed under | 0 Comments »

JobPortal Desing using JSP with SMTP Source Code & Documentation

This is a job-portal website project, which enables the Companies &
job seekers to log-in to the site. Companies provides their
placement details on the site, and job seekers enroll
themselves into the site and, The websites matches the
job-seekers information with the company profiles, if they are
eligible Website invites them for interviews through e-mail.

Complete source code with documentation included.

Download Source Code:

Posted on 5:04 AM by Parvez and filed under | 0 Comments »

Digital Envelope Project Source Code UDP Networking DES, RSA Cryptography (Java)

The objective of this project is to provide the secure
communication over the network using both public key and
private key cryptosystems. This is double fold encryption
technique. This uses DES algorithm to encrypt the message and
it uses the RSA algorithm to encrypt the DES key. This
technique overcomes key management problem of secret key
cryptosystems and slower encryption problem of public key
cryptosystems. It uses random DES key generated by the sender
client, & it is encrypted using RSA-Public-Key to provide more
security. By the implementation of the ClientServer technology
we are able to use User Datagram Protocol (UDP) mechanism and
through datagram socket programming the end user is able to
send and receive the encrypted and decrypted messages over the

Posted on 9:16 AM by Parvez and filed under | 0 Comments »


Plz Make Payments here:

Posted on 7:59 AM by Parvez and filed under | 0 Comments »


Grüße und Nettigkeiten
German Greetings and Courtesies
Deutsch English Everyday Pleasantries Guten Tag! - Tag! Hello! - Hi! Grüß Gott! Hello! (southern Germany & Austria) Grüß dich! Hello! (familiar, informal) Guten Morgen! - Morgen! Good morning! - Morning! Guten Abend! Good evening! Gute Nacht! Good night! Wie geht es Ihnen? How are you? Wie geht's? How are you? (familiar, informal) Danke, gut. Fine, thanks.
Also see:
Sehr gut. Great. Es geht. Okay. So-so. Nicht so gut. Not so well. Auf Wiedersehen. Good-bye. Tschüs! Bye! See you later. (casual) Requests - Bitten Was möchten Sie? What would you like? Ich möchte... I would like... Darf ich? May I? Können Sie mir helfen? Can you help me? Yes/No - Thanks - You're Welcome Bitte! - Ja, bitte! Please! - Yes, please! Danke!
Thanks! - No thanks!
Note: "Danke!" in response to an offer usually means "No thanks!" If you want to indicate a positive response to an offer, say "Bitte!"
Danke schön! Thank you! Vielen Dank! Thanks a lot! - Many thanks! Bitte schön! You're welcome! (in response to "Danke schön!") Nein, danke! No thanks!
Posted on 12:47 AM by Parvez and filed under | 0 Comments »

Mom Allegedly Has Sex With Daughter's Teenage Friends

Deborah Lee Towe Charged With Lewd Acts


Police say Deborah Lee Towe had sex with her daughter's friends (as young as 15), in a Walmart parking lot, an elementary school parking lot, and her home.
Deborah Lee Towe 2009 Mug ShotDeborah Lee Towe 2009 Mug Shot
Shasta County (Ca.) Sheriff's Office

Towe allegedly told police, "I felt young. I missed all those years," according to

Towe supposedly thought that by having sex with her daughter friends, they'd be less likely to try to have sex with her 15-year-old daughter. 

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Posted on 3:27 AM by Parvez and filed under , , , | 1 Comments »
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